The Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), General Certificate of Education Advanced Level (A-Level), and NYU Shanghai Placement Exam scores received prior to matriculation at NYU Shanghai may be used to wholly or partially fulfill Core Curriculum requirements, however, AP, IB, and A-Level scores cannot be awarded for NYU Shanghai credits or be used to fulfill the prerequisite for upper-level courses.
Sending Advanced Placement (AP) Scores

Instruction for sending AP scores: Students may choose New York University Shanghai (School Code: 2562) or New York University (School Code: 2563) as the institution. If you are selecting New York University Shanghai as the institute, select China as the country of the institution. If you are selecting New York University as the institution, select United States as the country and New York as the state.
Once students submit the request, it usually takes the College Board two to four weeks to send scores from the past 5 years. Scores from 5 or more years ago will take longer (4-6 weeks) to arrive because they are archived and must be mailed. Scores will be processed within one week of receipt.
Sending International Baccalaureate (IB) Exam Scores
IB scores must be released electronically via the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO) to New York University. For most students, the IB coordinator at your school should help you identify which university the scores should be sent to before you sit for the exams. Scores are released on January 5 for November exams and on July 5 for May exams. See the instruction for requesting the IB Exam transcript and certificate.
Sending General Certificate of Education Advanced Level (A-Level) Scores
Students should email the admissions office at to submit A level documents.