What classifies as a disability?

A disability may be temporary or permanent, physical or mental-emotional, and visible or invisible. Some examples of disabilities that would qualify students to receive reasonable academic accommodations include recent physical injuries such as a broken arm, vision or hearing impairments, attention deficit disorders and other learning disabilities, significant anxiety or depression.
Frequently Asked Questions About Academic Accommodations
What is the process for requesting academic accommodations?
Any student who needs reasonable academic accommodations based on a diagnosed qualified disability is required to register with the NYU Moses Center for Accessibility and Inclusive Culture. Please follow the process below if you would like to request and register for academic accommodations for the first time:
1. Fill out an online application form for academic accommodations. You may upload any medical documentation or diagnosis to support your application. However, supporting documentation is not required to complete the online intake.
2. Once the online application is received, an Accessibility Specialist from the Moses Center will contact you to schedule a meeting. The Accessibility Specialist may ask you to send documentation (or bring to the registration meeting) in order to get a better understanding of your disability and accommodation needs. All supplemental materials requested during the meeting should be emailed to Global Liaison, Bridget Betts, at bcb4@nyu.edu. In the email, please copy the Moses Center at mosescsd@nyu.edu.
3. If your request is approved, you can then request accommodation letters on the Moses Center’s Online Portal to have your accommodation letters sent to your professors (Video Tutorial: Requesting Accommodation Letters).
Examples of academic accommodations include:
1. Extended time on in-class timed exams, in-class timed assignments, and out of class timed exams
2. Smaller proctored testing environment
3. Permission to use laptop in class to take notes
4. Permission to take reasonable breaks in class when disability is exacerbated
What should I do after I am approved for academic accommodations?
- If you would like to request extended time to complete papers and assignments, please communicate with your professor(s) early, ideally when the assignment is released, to reach an agreement on the new deadline date.
- If you would like to use your approved accommodation of consideration for absences, please communicate with your professor(s) to obtain an approval before the absence instead of afterwards.
- If you would like to use your approved accommodations of reasonable breaks in class, permission to audio record lectures, laptop in class, please communicate with your professor(s) in advance.
- If you would like to request exam accommodations, please first discuss with your instructor(s) about whether they are available to accommodate your request on their own. If your instructor(s) are not available to arrange for all your requests, please fill out the Exam Accommodation Request Form as soon as possible, at least two working days in advance for each upcoming exam. The Academic Accommodations Team will follow up with you once the arrangement is confirmed.
What should I do if I was approved for academic accommodations and would like to use them for my next term?
Returning Students: If you have an accommodation approved through the academic year or through graduation, please request your accommodation letters for the upcoming semester's classes via the Moses Center Portal. If your accommodation has expired and you would like to request accommodations for the upcoming semester, please contact Bridget Betts at the Moses Center.
I am studying away at another NYU campus/global site, how can I apply for academic accommodations?
Study Away Students: NYU Shanghai students who are studying away can connect to accessibility resources both at the Moses Center and their global site. Each global site has a global academic liaison who is responsible for implementing academic accommodations. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your site’s global academic liaison or the Moses Center.
I am a study-aways student at NYU Shanghai, can I apply for academic accommodations?
Students Studying Abroad at NYU Shanghai: We are also eager to support students from other campuses who are studying at NYU Shanghai. If you are studying at NYU Shanghai, please follow the process above to request academic accommodations.
Contact us
Please feel free to contact the NYU Shanghai Academic Accommodations Team with any questions or concerns. You can reach the Academic Accommodations Team at shanghai.academicaccommodations@nyu.edu.
Tong Jin, Liaison for Academic Accommodations, NYU Shanghai, tong.jin@nyu.edu
Bridget Betts, Associate Director & Global Liaison, NYU Moses Center for Accessibility and Inclusive Culture, bcb4@nyu.edu
Additional Resources
In addition to academic accommodations, NYU Shanghai also offers other resources for students.
Housing Accommodations
For general inquiries about housing accommodations, you may contact shanghai.reslife@nyu.edu.
Student Health Center
The Student Health Center offers physical and mental health services and resources for students. The Student Health Center is open Monday through Friday from 9 AM - 5 PM. For more information, please visit the Student Health Center website.