Jessica Feng Jiaqi NYU ’24
Major: Economics and Psychology (double major)
Hometown: Beijing, China
How did you decide where you would study abroad? What was it that you hoped to get out of the experience?
I chose NYU Shanghai as my study away site, mainly because of internship opportunities. I was offered an internship position at a venture capital in Shanghai, and thanks to NYU global programs that offer great flexibility, I was able to work in Shanghai while continuing with my study. I also fell in love with the city.
What was the best part of your study away experience? What was the most challenging?
Both the best part and the most challenging part of my study away time was my experience as a Study Away Program Assistant (SAPA). It was an effort to push myself out of my comfort zone. It was definitely challenging because, as a student leader, I had to lead many programs such as cultural expeditions and language workshops, meaning I had to be social and stay connected with people, which were not my strengths. But by pushing myself, I made friends with lots of people who I otherwise would not have talked to. I improved my presentation skills and, more importantly, I got to explore the city and culture of Shanghai more.
What’s your advice for how students can get the most out of their study away experience?
Apart from the academic considerations, I would say choose the city that you are the most curious about. I think the essence of study away is about exploration and experience, meeting the people and culture [that are] totally different from your own. Remember to have fun! Stay tuned for events; don’t hesitate to make new friends and try out exciting things!