PhD Crossing

PhD Crossing is an initiative supported by the Office of Graduate and Advanced Education, designed to provide PhD students with a platform to connect, share insights, and engage in discussions on topics related to science, technology, and professional development. 

Each session focuses on themes nominated by students, with one or two PhD students from relevant backgrounds serving as hosts. The hosts typically kick off the discussion with a brief presentation to provide context and spark conversation, fostering an interactive environment for all participants.

Events Plan for 2025 Spring Semester

  • Feb 12
    Exploring NYU PhD Pathways Across the Globe (Special Guest Host: Diana Leilani Arpino, Vice Provost for NYU Academic Program Review and Doctoral Affairs)

  • Feb 26
    Computational Chemistry (Host: Raj Roy, PhD student in Chemistry)
    AI in Gaming (Host: Zixuan Dong, PhD student in Computer Science)

  • Mar 12
    Tales About Famous Scientists (Hosts: Tianyao Chen, PhD student in Computer Science, and Yuhao Liu, PhD student in Transportation Systems) 

  • Mar 26
    Financial Advice for Phd Students (Hosts: Xingjian Di, PhD student in Mathematics, and Zhi Li, PhD student in Sociology)

  • Apr 09
    Artificial Intelligence (Host: Hammond Liu, PhD student in Computer Science)
    Basic statistical tools for different research areas (Host: Jiayang Yin, PhD student in Data Science)

  • May 07
    Bioengineering (Host: Xiaoai Lyu, PhD student in Biology)
    Advances in Computer Science (Host: Jiajin Liu, PhD student in Computer Science)

Previous Events

PhD Crossing Previous Events

PhD Crossing Organizing Committee

The PhD Crossing organizing committee is composed of PhD students and staff who volunteer to help plan and organize the events. Members are for a term of approximately one semester. We welcome all PhD students to join the committee. If you want to be part of the committee, please email

Current Committee

Xiaoai Lu, PhD student in Biology
Vince Sun, PhD student in Neural Science
Xingjian Di, PhD student in Mathematics
Yuhao Liu, PhD student in Transportation Systems
Zhi Li, PhD student in Sociology
Zhiye Xie, PhD student in Computer Science
Congyi Lu, Assistant Director of PhD program
Vivien Du, Senior Manager of PhD & Research Fellowship Programs