Eligibility and Application Instructions
Overview of Deadlines for Students
Funding Amounts
Each selected student (regardless of whether they are working on their own or in a group) will individually receive a 6,000 RMB stipend, disbursed in two allotments. 3,000 RMB will be provided at the beginning of the approved project period and the remaining 3,000 RMB will be provided after successful submission of the project evaluation. The funding is subject to all applicable taxes and does not affect financial aid. There is no additional funding available to reimburse project expenses. All project implementation expenses are expected to be drawn from the stipend.
NYU Shanghai students are eligible to apply if they satisfy all of the below requirements:
- Will not be graduating in May 2024
- Have earned a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.50
- Will not do an internship in the summer
- Have secured a Faculty Mentor to supervise the project. Faculty Mentors can mentor no more than two DURF projects, and no more than four DURF total students during the summer. Current tenured, tenure-track, and full-time continuing contract professors from the NYU Global Network can serve as DURF Faculty Mentors. Interested applicants should contact potential Faculty Mentors well in advance of the application deadline (e.g. at least one month) to allow sufficient time for Faculty Mentor feedback on the project proposal.
Application Instructions
Deadline: March 17, 2024 11:59 PM China Standard Time (CST).
There are two components to the application. You will need to:
- Ask your Faculty Mentor to submit the Faculty Mentor Endorsement Form by the deadline. We strongly recommend that you thoroughly communicate with your Faculty Mentor about your proposal well in advance of submitting your application.
- Fill out the Student Application Form by the deadline. You will be asked to upload your transcript and proposal in the form. Most students should submit Type I proposals. For students who wish to work in the Arts and Creative Humanities, Type II proposals are most appropriate. See detailed guidelines for Type 1 and Type II proposals below. If working in a group, each group member must submit a separate application form.
Here are notes from the DURF Information Session where previous DURF recipients and Faculty Mentors shared their advice. If you have any questions, please email shanghai.durf@nyu.edu.
Date | Events |
March 17 | Application closes |
End of April | Decisions announced and student acceptance of DURF Terms |
End of May | Disbursement of first stipend allotment |
May 31 | Deadline to apply for IRB approval for projects involving human subjects |
August 17 | Early Deadline for Final Project Form and Faculty Mentor Evaluation Form submission in order to receive final disbursement by the end of August. |
September 7 | Final Deadline for Final Project Form and Faculty Mentor Evaluation Form submission in order to receive final stipend disbursement by the end of October. |
The Commitments of a Faculty Mentor are to:
- Give feedback to the student(s) on their DURF research proposal, assess the student(s)’ research plan, and submit the Faculty Mentor Endorsement Form below by March 17, 2024, 11:59 PM Shanghai time.
- If the DURF is awarded and the student's research involves human subjects, the Faculty Mentor should apply for Institutional Review Board (IRB) review on behalf of the student(s) before the research is initiated. The IRB requires Faculty Mentors to apply to the Board as Principal Investigator as students cannot apply on their own.
- Complete a brief Evaluation Form at the end of the DURF Project evaluating the quality of the student’s project execution and the project outcome.