Graduate Lounge, located outside Room S201, New Bund Campus. The Graduate Lounge forms a hub for graduate student life at NYU Shanghai. It is a place to study, meet other graduate students, relax between classes and attend graduate student events. The space includes an open-plan group study area, individual desks, lounging areas, and printing equipment. Graduate Lounge, located outside Room S201, New Bund Campus. The Graduate Lounge forms a hub for graduate student life at NYU Shanghai. It is a place to study, meet other graduate students, relax between classes and attend graduate student events. The space includes an open-plan group study area, individual desks, lounging areas, and printing equipment. Graduate Lounge, located outside Room S201, New Bund Campus. The Graduate Lounge forms a hub for graduate student life at NYU Shanghai. It is a place to study, meet other graduate students, relax between classes and attend graduate student events. The space includes an open-plan group study area, individual desks, lounging areas, and printing equipment. Scholar Space, Room N606, New Bund Campus. The Scholar Space, located on the second floor of the NYU Shanghai library, is a multifunctional space featuring open-plan study areas and five reservable individual study nooks. All graduate students may access the Scholar Space by swiping their NYU ID cards. Scholar Space, Room N606, New Bund Campus. The Scholar Space, located on the second floor of the NYU Shanghai library, is a multifunctional space featuring open-plan study areas and five reservable individual study nooks. All graduate students may access the Scholar Space by swiping their NYU ID cards. Scholar Space, Room N606, New Bund Campus. The Scholar Space, located on the second floor of the NYU Shanghai library, is a multifunctional space featuring open-plan study areas and five reservable individual study nooks. All graduate students may access the Scholar Space by swiping their NYU ID cards. Researcher Room, Room N607, New Bund Campus. The Researcher Room, directly neighboring the Scholar Space, is designed for PhD students and GRI Fellows who seek an enhanced quiet study area to focus on research or other projects that demand intense concentration. Access to the room is via swiping one’s NYU ID card. Individual cubicles may be claimed daily on a first-come, first-served basis. Researcher Room, Room N607, New Bund Campus. The Researcher Room, directly neighboring the Scholar Space, is designed for PhD students and GRI Fellows who seek an enhanced quiet study area to focus on research or other projects that demand intense concentration. Access to the room is via swiping one’s NYU ID card. Individual cubicles may be claimed daily on a first-come, first-served basis. Graduate Group Study (3), Rooms S214, S217, S218, New Bund Campus. Three Graduate Group Study Rooms, each with capacity for up to 4 students, are located on the Second Floor of South Hall. A seating area next to the rooms with two semi-private booths provides additional space for up to 8. Graduate Group Study (3), Rooms S214, S217, S218, New Bund Campus. Three Graduate Group Study Rooms, each with capacity for up to 4 students, are located on the Second Floor of South Hall. A seating area next to the rooms with two semi-private booths provides additional space for up to 8. Graduate Group Study (3), Rooms S214, S217, S218, New Bund Campus. Three Graduate Group Study Rooms, each with capacity for up to 4 students, are located on the Second Floor of South Hall. A seating area next to the rooms with two semi-private booths provides additional space for up to 8. GRI Offices, Room S305, Room S304, New Bund Campus. The Global Research Initiatives (GRI) Offices are centers for GRI Fellows to study and work on research projects during their time at NYU Shanghai. Every office comes with a whiteboard and desks each equipped with a storage unit and an iMac. GRI Offices, Room S305, Room S304, New Bund Campus. The Global Research Initiatives (GRI) Offices are centers for GRI Fellows to study and work on research projects during their time at NYU Shanghai. Every office comes with a whiteboard and desks each equipped with a storage unit and an iMac. Graduate and Advanced Education Suite, Room S201, New Bund Campus. The Graduate and Advanced Education Suite features a visitor reception area and the offices of all Graduate and Advanced Education staff. The Suite is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mondays through Fridays. Our team is dedicated to supporting all students and faculty of NYU Shanghai’s various master’s and PhD programs. Office of Graduate Admissions, Room W764, New Bund Campus. The Office of Graduate Admissions works on behalf of the NYU Shanghai-Stern Master’s programs in Data Analytics & Business Computing, Quantitative Finance, Marketing and Retail Science, and Organization Management and Strategy. To make inquiries about all other NYU Shanghai graduate programs, please visit the Graduate and Advanced Education Suite. Share: Facebook Twitter Weibo All Years202420232022202120202019201820172016201520142013 Apply NYU Shanghai Brings Home Trophies from Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University Sports Tournament May 9 2019 ">May 9 2019 GoGreen Week 2019Apr 30 2019 ">Apr 30 2019 The Amazing RaceSep 4 2018 ">Sep 4 2018 Prepare for Graduate School EventsSep 4 2017 ">Sep 4 2017 Freshman's Guide to NYU ShanghaiAug 31 2017 ">Aug 31 2017 Pagination « First First page ‹ Previous Previous page 1 2 3