Our Command Center keeps lost items safe and secure, and you can visit us any time in Room S103 to look for lost items. We also keep updated online inventories of found items, and provide easy-to-use platforms for reporting lost items.
If you find a lost item on campus, please give the item to a uniformed Campus Safety Officer or bring the item to Room S103.
Items we accept
- Electronics, PCs, and mobile devices
- Wallets, purses, backpacks
- Accessories: eyewear, jewelry
- Bank cards, IDs, metro cards, etc.
- Keys
- Textbooks
- Umbrellas
- Items with identifying information
Items we do NOT accept
- Clothing
- Water bottles
- Perishable items and food
- Flammable items (lighters, vape pens, etc.)
- Personal grooming items (combs, brushes, bows, ribbons, scrunchies, etc.)
- Intentionally abandoned property (electronic equipment that obviously does not work, damaged furniture, etc.)