Working on campus allows students to take advantage of the great resources within NYU Shanghai’s university departments and helps them to gain real work experience from the very beginning of their studies. On-campus job positions will help students explore their careers, strengthen their résumés, and develop professional skills.
Many university departments offer on-campus positions every year. Watch these videos to learn more about the student worker experience!

How to Apply
Attend the On-Campus Job Fair
The CCD hosts an On-Campus Job Fair at the beginning of every Fall semester, as it is the peak season for on-campus job hiring. The On-Campus Job Fair is usually scheduled in the first week of the new semester. Attending the On-Campus Job Fair will give you the chance to meet with staff from departments that are hiring student workers. This is a great opportunity to make a good impression and learn about the role. Many departments conduct the first round of interviews at the fair.
Please watch the On-Campus Job Tabling Orientation Video before attending the event.
Apply On-Campus Jobs on Handshake
Most departments hire new student workers at the beginning of fall semester, since the time commitment for each position is usually one academic year. But some departments release positions on Handshake during the semester as well. Follow the Handshake Student User Guide to review the job descriptions thoroughly and apply online. To view NYU Shanghai on-campus jobs, you can click the “On-Campus” filter and type “Shanghai” in the location search bar.
Career Advice for On-Campus Jobs
The career coaches have collected various resources and career advice to help students prepare for on-campus job applications and learn basic professional skills before starting their jobs.
Please check the On-Campus Student Worker Career Resource Pack for detailed information.